What is a Podcast?
A “podcast” is a buzzword to describe a very simple concept: an audio or video file available on the Internet for you to listen to and/or watch. A podcast can also refer to a series of these audio or video files (similar to how a TV or radio “show” can be a series of shows or just one show). When using the word “podcast”, most people refer to the entire series and not just one audio or video file.
The following links explain podcasting and some possible uses. Please note that there are a couple of links to PodOmatic, a podcast hosting application. We suggest that you do not follow those links for the time being. Your assignments will direct you along that path.
Assignment 6.1
Read and follow the instructions in the next section Creating a Podcast.
Create a podcast and then send an email to the other groups, inviting them to log on and listen to your podcast. Your podcast can be on any topic (a 2-3 minute lesson, a specific procedure, a favorite book, poem, etc.). If you cannot come up with an idea for your topic, let us know and we'll help you. Hopefully, you will be receiving invitations from the others in the class to listen to their podcasts. UPDATE: A discussion forum has been created to post invitations to your podcasts for the whole class to see.
Good Luck, and have fun!
Note: At first, you may feel a bit anxious, nervous, and yes, even a little embrassed at the sound of your own voice. Our suggestion for you is to write down the script of your broadcast. Do not attempt to broadcast by memory or ad lib. Also, when you do speak, make it sound natural and not as though you were reading the script.
We know you will have fun with this, but we would suggest that you begin as early as possible in the week because (we're just guessing) there may be a few re-takes!
My Personal Podcast - http://krexine.podomatic.com/player/web/2010-07-04T21_00_55-07_00
How to create your own podcast.
Podcasting requires two steps: 1) Create an audio file or a video file, using some 3rd party software, like iTunes (Mac) or Audacity (Windows), 2) Publish the file on a host site like PodOmatic. Once a file is loaded it automatically is ready for anyone on the web to view or subscribe to your podcast feed.
First Step: Create an audio or video file.
Most podcast hosting sites require files to be of a certain type. PodOmatic, for example, requires MP3 audio format for audio, and MPV4 for video. We will only be using audio files in this assignment. If you have audio files already on your computer or you have recorded audio on your computer through a built in mic or external mic, you must make sure your file is an MP3.
Creating audio files on a Macintosh computer is relatively easy to do if you use iTunes or GarageBand.
Windows users must first download an audio recorder application such as Audacity, or AVS Audio Recorder and have save the files somewhere on the computer. For this course we will use a very simple program to create our audio files. Please read the instructions carefully and if things don't go as planned, let me know.
To download Audacity:
First go to http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Scroll down until you see a yellow box on the left.
click on Download Audacity 1.2.6.
scroll down and in the middle of the page click on Audacity 1.2.6 Installer.
when the message "Your Audacity download will start shortly" appears, click on direct link.
On the next screen click on Save.
Select a destination (your desktop might work best) and click Save. The filename should be Audacity-win-1.2.6
After the download has completed, close the current window and navigate to the Desktop
To install Audacity
Locate the file, Audacity-win-1.2.6 on your Desktop and double-click on it.
On the window that opens, click Yes
Follow the Audacity Setup Wizard
Click Next
Check I accept the agreement, then click Next
Click Next again. Note the destination C:\Program Files (x86) Audacity
Click Next, then click Install
Click Finish
Close Audacity
Next you will need to download a “lame” file to convert your Audacity files to mp3.
Go to http://lame.buanzo.com.ar (An ATTENTION message appears. Disregard it.)
Scroll down the page until you see a white box with the link "For Audacity on Windows:"
Click on “Lame v3.98.2 for Audacity on Windows.exe" and then click Save (Save this file on your desktop also).
Close the window when prompted.
Now Install LAME
Locate the file LAME_v3.98.2_for_Audacity_on_Windows and Double-click on it.
When asked if you want to run the software, click Run
Click Yes
Follow the LAME for Audacity Setup Wizard
Click Yes
Select "I accept the agreement", and then click Yes (Note the destination C:\Program Files (x86)\Lame for Audacity
Click Next
Click Install
Click Finish
Close all windows.
To Record a file:
Double-click on Audacity icon
Record by pressing the Record button (red circle) and when finished, click the Stop button (yellow square).
Save the recording: Click on File and then Export as MP3.
Locate the desktop then click Save.
Click Yes
Audacity will ask you to locate the file “lame_enc.exe”.
Click Browse
Select Click on All files
Locate and double-click on Lame_v3.98.2_for_Audacity_on_Windows
This should save the recording as an mp3 file. I think you only have to do this the first time.
When you quit Audacity, it will ask you to save the changes before closing. Answer is No.
Mac Users
You may have to select your file you created in iTunes and check to see if it is an MP3 file.
Open the file in iTunes.
Click on the Advanced Tab and select Convert to MP3
Label the file by right clicking file (or control click) an select the info tab
Lable it (your file>MP3) so you know its an MP3.
Then simply drag it to your desktop from iTunes so you know where it is when you are ready to upload to a host application like PodOmatic.
Go to PodOmatic.com http://www.podomatic.com/
Click on Create a Podcast
Select the BASIC (free) Account.
Enter your information to create an account.
Select a photo (optional)
Point to the My Podcast tab, then click on Post an Episode.
Enter a Title and Short Description of your episode, then click Save and Continue.
You should now be in the Audio/Video tab. (If not, point to the Audio/Video tab and select Upload a file)
Select some files. Browse to locate your MP3 audio file and then click Open. (You will see the file loading.)
If you would like to load an Image to be associated with your file (optional), click on the Photo tab and look for your picture on your computer by selecting Browse. Find your picture, select it and double-click it. Select Next once you are done.
If you want to add Tags (1 word descriptions that make your episode more easily searchable), click on the Tags tab and enter up to 12 terms.
Click on the Review/Publish tab.
Review the information for accuracy.
The Publication Date/Time should read Publish Now
Click Save and Continue.
To send invitations you can click the Promote tab and select whom you want to send an invitation to hear your podcast.
Now just sit back and relax: Point to the My Podcast tab and then click on Manage Podcasts and then My Podcast Page and wait to see your file. Any previously loaded files will also be there on this screen. To test your podcast, click on the Play button.
To remove/delete an episode, point to My Podcasts, then My Media. Click on the file(s) you want to delete and click the Delete button and then OK.
Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder. (n.d.). Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Best Free Podcasts. (n.d.). PodOmatic Podcast - Kelly Rexine's Podcast. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from http://krexine.podomatic.com/player/web/2010-07-04T21_00_55-07_00
PodOmatic Best Free Podcasts. (n.d.). PodOmatic Best Free Podcasts. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from http://www.podomatic.com/
Teaching Today How-To Articles Beyond Podcasting Basics. (n.d.). Teaching Today Home. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from http://teachingtoday.glencoe.com/howtoarticles/beyond-podcasting-basics
Teaching Today How-To Articles Podcasting Basics. (n.d.). Teaching Today Home. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from http://teachingtoday.glencoe.com/howtoarticles/podcasting-basics